Eran Chen

Eran Chen

Eran Chen

Eran Chen is the founding principal of ODA. Since establishing the office in 2007 he has become one of the most prolific architects in New York. Chen has gained a reputation for delivering designs that are innovative as well as socially and fiscally responsible. His work has been widely published around the world and recognized amongst others by the American Institute of Architects and the Society of American Registered Architects. Chen graduated with honors from the Bezalel School of Art and Design in Jerusalem, where he serves on the board and as guest lecturer. He is a frequent speaker at design and development forums, as well as architecture schools including Columbia University, Clemson University, Syracuse University, Carnegie Mellon School of Architecture, and The Technion in Haifa. Recent projects include the renovation of the former Postkantoor in Rotterdam, the conversion of the Arbuckle Sugar Refinery at 10 Jay into offices and the forthcoming 416-4120 Kent Ave towers in Williamsburg’s Waterfront. His writings on architecture have been published in ODA’s latest book, Unboxing New York.

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